Not too long ago, I guested on the “Yeah, I Make Games” podcast and really enjoyed the opportunity. Ever since then, I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a game design podcast. But why?
Following the isolation caused by the pandemic and even my decision to leave AAA, go indie and work remotely, I quickly ran out of opportunities to chat about games, design, and the industry as a whole. A podcast would give me the opportunity and, with a focus on design, could potentially help others listening with their game and level design problems.
After a number of false starts, @ComfortJonez (Bradley Toliver) and I decided to record one under the clumsy title of “func_podcast” (it was literally the first thing I thought of).
Episode 1 – The Inaugural
The podcast is available on YouTube and can be viewed below. An audio only version is also available on Spotify or can be downloaded here.
Subjects discussed…
- Balance within game and AI design
- Observations of AI analysis and criticism
- Microsoft acquiring Activision
- Why Sony don’t do first person
- The Sinden Lightgun
Games discussed: Half-Life, FEAR, Halo, Quake and Watch Dogs
It’s a little creaky, and we’re clearly finding our feet, but I figured it’s better to start now than to hesitate forever. It’s far easier to improve and polish something that exists, rather than get lost in the endless theories of what may or may not work when something is exclusively conceptual. There’s a design lesson there!
Like I said, we’re just finding our feet. I hope future episodes will be tighter and more focused. I hope you enjoy the discussion, and if you have any questions or feedback, please let me know!
More episodes…