Fireblade Software | Lead Designer

A little background…

Taking on the lead designer role at Fireblade Software, I was responsible for every aspect of the design of SENTRY, an action-defense first-person shooter where you defend your spaceship against a relentless alien threat. Utilizing traps, turrets, and environmental destruction, players repel invading hordes and engage the enemy in fast-paced FPS action.

This project has allowed me to delve into various aspects of game design, such as creating a dynamic campaign and building tight 3C’s as part of the game’s first-person shooter combat. As a member of a small, dedicated team, I wear multiple hats, overseeing game and level design, world-building, and even crafting trailers and promotional materials.

Currently available in early access, SENTRY continues to evolve with ongoing updates and player feedback.

Release Date
Now in early access!



  • Sole designer for the project, overseeing the creative vision and ensuring the quality of gameplay mechanics and level design
  • Designed and implemented all of the game’s levels, weapons and enemies
  • Responsible for the design of defensive traps and environmental hazards to enhance strategic gameplay
  • Collaborated with the art and programming teams to integrate gameplay features seamlessly
  • Maintained and balanced the game through playtesting sessions and early access, adapting to player feedback to continuously refine the player experience
  • Scripted, shot and edited trailers and promotional content for the game

To find out more and purchase the game, head to Steam: