Far Cry Primal
Ubisoft Montreal | Level Designer
A little background…
Shortly after shipping Far Cry 4, I began working on Far Cry Primal, a continuation of the Far Cry series with a prehistoric spin.
Unlike Far Cry 4, I started work on Far Cry Primal from pre production so was able to work on areas outside of mission design including some mechanic prototyping and having the opportunity to work on outposts.
Release Date
23 February 2016
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
My work was focused on a side character, Jayma the Hunter, and her associated missions; “On the Hunt”, “The Great Beast” and “The Tall Elk”. Additionally, I contributed to the animal taming tutorial in the mission, “Beast Master”. I was also responsible for the much reported Assassin’s Creed easter egg mission, “Fly Like Bird”.
I designed these levels using a white box/blockout approach, complimented by a base art kit to provide visual identity and intent. As with Far Cry 4, I was responsible for scripting the mission logic, which was done using Ubisoft’s extensive in-house scripting tools.
- Design and implementation of both main and side mission content from concept until Alpha
- Feature prototyping with the Domino visual scripting language
- Amending tutorial content to respond to playtest data
- Brainstorming and pre production team discussions
On top of my campaign work, I had the opportunity to design an outpost for the game. The “Tushwarha Outpost”, allowed me a chance to build a Far Cry encounter away from typical narrative constraints and focus on systemic gameplay. This is what I believe to be the core of the Far Cry experience; encounters that allow for an open approach to combat and scenarios that provide narrative through the environment.
- “Beast Master”
- “On The Hunt”
- “The Great Beast”
- “The Tall Elk”
- “Fly Like A Bird”
- The “Tushwarha” Outpost
I worked on my assigned content from pre production until alpha, at which point I left the studio to pursue other opportunities. This was my final release at Ubisoft Montreal.